Solar Panel Installation on the LOC Roof

Monday, March 14 2022—Despite tough winds, the solar panels arrived on Crane Day this Sunday and were lifted onto the roof of Winsor’s Lubin O’Donnell Center for their imminent installation.  
For background, in January 2020, members of the Planet Protectors, a Lower School club, invited Resonant Energy to discuss solar options for the school, organized a petition, made their case to the Head of School, and then presented a comprehensive plan to the Board of Trustees for approval. Their thoroughly researched proposal secured a green light on the clean energy project.
Construction kick-off began with a meeting between Head of School Sarah Pelmas, Resonant Energy, and the Planet Protectors on March 4. Racking will take place over spring break, with roof installation and electrical work to take place in early April.
The solar array will be 331 panels, 149kW-DC, it will produce about 175,000 kWh per year, which is enough to cover 1/3 of Winsor’s annual usage. The 175,000 kWh is the environmental equivalent of 152 acres of forest per year. Winsor’s savings from just electricity will be about $28,000 in year 1 and an additional $14,000 in revenue from the MA SMART program. With the 25 years of electricity savings and 20 years of SMART revenue, Winsor will see over $1MM in lifetime savings.
This is very exciting news for the Winsor community.