Meet Our Students
Head Ambassadors
At Winsor, students lead everywhere you look, and our admission process is no exception!
Our head ambassadors play a key role in your admission experience. They run webinars; lead, observe, and evaluate group interviews; give tours; and are available to answer your questions about the Winsor student experience.
They look forward to seeing you on campus soon!
In Their Own Words

Grade: 10
Started at Winsor: Grade 9
Primary Activities: Cross Country, Lacrosse, Photography, Spanish Club, SASS (Students Advocating for School Spirit)
“Heading into your Winsor interview, you should remember to take a deep breath and remind yourself that there’s nothing to be intimidated by, it’s just a conversation.”

Grade: 11
Started at Winsor: Grade 6
Primary Activities: Varsity Squash, Varsity Lacrosse, Model United Nations, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship Club, Investment Club, Greater Boston Food Bank Volunteer Club, Peer Tutor
“People should know that we have amazing dining options! Winsor offers a hot bar, salad bar, and a variety of soups everyday. Our dining staff always makes an effort to celebrate and explore different cultural dishes and holidays and accommodate everyone’s dietary needs!”

Grade: 11
Started at Winsor: grade 9
Primary Activities: Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Basketball, Varsity Track and Field, Model United Nations (MUN), Collect (student government), Banner (student publication)
“I love Winsor’s location in the heart of Longwood and its proximity to Fenway Park.”

Grade: 11
Started at Winsor: Grade 6
Primary Activities: Arts (theater, Winsor Dance Team, ceramics, etc.), Fashion Club, First Gen (affinity group for first-generation Americans and first-generation college students), JV Volleyball, Mock Trial, Peer Tutoring, SOMOS (Latinx affinity group)
“I’m a head ambassador because I want to make prospective students of color feel seen and feel like they, too, can feel at home at a school like Winsor.”

Grade: 11
Started at Winsor: Grade 9
Primary Activities: Jew Kids on the Block (Jewish affinity group), Peer Tutor in Science and Math, SASS (Students Advocating for School Spirit), Venture Capital (finance and investment club), SCRUBS (medical club).
“I am a head ambassador because I want to help people connect with Winsor and make informed, confident decisions about their future. I love witnessing people finding their place at Winsor like I did.”

Grade: 11
Started at Winsor: Grade 9
Primary Activities: Collect (student government), Jew Kids on the Block (Jewish affinity group), Life Skills, Mock Trial, Varsity Sailing
“Going into your Winsor group interview, remember that everyone has to go through the same process, and that those interviewing you have been where you are and understand how you are feeling.”

Grade: 11
Started at Winsor: Grade 9
Primary Activities: Cross Country, Track and Field, Head of Ethics Club/Ethics Bowl team, Mock Trial, Visual Arts
“My favorite thing about Winsor is my talented fellow students! I love getting to see Winsor students’ art, watching concerts and plays, and cheering for Winsor sports teams.”

Grade: 11
Started at Winsor: Grade 5
Primary Activities: Speech and Debate Team, Winsor Theater, Field Hockey, JV2 Squash Captain, and After School Music Program Voice Lessons.
“My favorite things about Winsor are the unique and fun electives offered in the Upper and Lower School, whether in humanities or art. I always find classes that broaden my horizons.”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 9
Primary Activities: Varsity Soccer, Executive Editor of The Banner (student newspaper), Collect (student government), Current Events, MOSAIC (mixed-race affinity group), Greater Boston Food Bank Volunteer Club, French Club, Varsity Track and Field
“People should know that, contrary to popular belief, we don’t have uniforms and our dress code isn’t strict at all!”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 9
Primary Activities: Illumina (Upper School select chorus), Peer Support, Peer Tutoring, Spanish Club, Word Nerds (word games club)
“While academics are certainly an important part of a student’s time at Winsor, they aren’t everything! Sports, visual and performing arts, clubs, and many other subjects are a huge part of what makes Winsor such an amazing school.”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 9
Primary Activities: Winsor Dance Team, Mock Trial, Word Nerds (word games club), Curling Team, Peer Support, Soccer Team (manager), Fanatics Club (sports enthusiasts club), TedX Club
“I love talking to prospective families about my experience as a new student entering in Class V (Grade 9), because I was in their shoes not too long ago!”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 6
Primary Activities: Speech and Debate, Mock Trial, Model United Nations (MUN), Varsity Cross Country, Varsity Track and Field, JV Squash
“Going into your Winsor group interview, take time to reflect on your personal values and think about the experiences, activities, or traits that shape you. We want to hear about the things that motivate you and what makes you you!”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 5
Primary Activities: Robotics, Banner (school newspaper), TEDx, Baldwin Tutoring, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship Club, Varsity Tennis, Math and Science Peer Tutor.
“Remember that although an interview may seem daunting, you are really just talking with an Upper School student. We’ve all been in your position and understand the nerves, and we just want to get to know you better!”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 5
Primary Activities: Varsity Tennis, Spanish Club Head, Peer Tutor, Summer Science Internship Program
“One thing people don’t tend to know about Winsor is how empowering it is to go to school here. Being a girls’ school, Winsor has provided me with a more comfortable environment to speak up and find the power in my own voice. Thanks to Winsor, I have been able to share my experiences with others and find different leadership roles to partake in.”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 5
Primary Activities: Boston Outreach (community service club), Collect (student government), Illumina (Upper School select chorus), Peer Tutoring, Spanish Club, and Varsity Squash
“At your group interview, honor what makes you unique! Whether it is an instrument you play or your favorite class, at your interview, you can share what you love.”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 5
Primary Activities: Amnesty International, Boston Outreach (community service), Greater Boston Food Bank, Mosaic (mixed-race affinity group), Peer Support, Student Equity Board, Varsity Soccer, Varsity Ice Hockey, Varsity Lacrosse
“My favorite thing about Winsor is our homecoming week called Under the Lights (UTL). Throughout the week, we have different themed dress-up days, and on Friday, the theme is always red to support our sports teams. I love this Winsor tradition because it’s so much fun and so great to see everyone get together and cheer on the Winsor teams.”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 6
Primary Activities: SASA (South Asian affinity group), Illumina (Upper School select chorus), Golf, Theater, Venture Capital Club
“My favorite thing about Winsor is all of our school traditions that bring our whole community together.”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 5
Primary Activities: Cross Country, Curling, Fanatics (Boston Sports Fans Club), Model United Nations (MUN), SASS (Students Advocating for School Spirit), Wellness Club
“I’m a head ambassador because I love Winsor, and it’s truly the right place for me, so I want to help other people see if Winsor is the right place for them.”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 6
Primary Activities: AsIAm (Asian affinity group), Independent Research in Science, Peer Tutor (history/English), Performing Arts (flute), Quantumplaters (STEM club), Science Internship Program, Visual Arts (ceramics), Varsity Swim (captain in senior year), Varsity Tennis
“My favorite thing about Winsor is the support students have when pursuing arts and extracurriculars. I have pretty diverse interests, with my primary ones being science, music, and ceramics. It is pretty evident that Winsor does not just want me to learn passively, but to explore in a deeper and more meaningful way.”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 6
Primary Activities: SOMOS (Latinx affinity group), First-Gen Club, Baldwin (community service), Peer Support
“My favorite thing about Winsor is being able to have a strong support system and knowing that my teachers always have my best interest in mind.”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: 6
Primary Activities: Crew, Robotics, Model United Nations (MUN), Collect (student government), Math Club, Visual Arts, Coding
“I am a head ambassador because I love sharing about the many experiences Winsor has granted me and having a say in the admissions process at Winsor. It has been very eye-opening!”

Grade: 12
Started at Winsor: Grade 6
Primary Activities: Varsity Basketball, Varsity Volleyball, SISTERS (Black affinity group), Student Equity Board, Peer Support, Wellness Club
“Something I think people often don’t know about Winsor (and should!) is the extensive support network available to students. Whether you need academic assistance from peer tutors or the math lab, or if you need guidance from counselors, advisors, or peer support, there is always someone ready to help.”