On Monday, June 8, 2020, the Winsor community came together virtually for the All School Awards Celebration. The annual celebration honors the athletic, artistic and academic accomplishments of Winsor students and their contributions to the WInsor community.
In her welcome to students, Ms. Pelmas noted, “These awards carry great importance not only for the winners, but also for all of us at Winsor. They represent something for a student to aspire to, and also something to be proud of, collectively. While many of today’s awards recognize individual achievement, perhaps one of the best parts of a Winsor education is ‘the sisterhood’–the way in which we work together as a community to encourage, challenge, and inspire one another.”
Acknowledging the challenges of the past few months, and weeks, and the impact they have had on our community, and the country as a whole, Ms. Pelmas encouraged students to not allow the 2019-2020 academic year to be defined solely by them. “Take a minute and think about your teammates and partners, your friends and teachers and coaches, and all the people who encouraged you, helped you to get back on track when you felt discouraged, and cheered you on. Throughout the year, and especially this spring, you all took care of each other and came together as a learning community. As we close the school year, I want to take a moment to congratulate and thank you all for an extraordinary year.”
Before awarding the prizes, Ms. Pelmas acknowledged one additional celebration. “Earlier this spring, in our Spirit Week assembly, Yearbook editors Winnie Wang ’20 and Elizabeth Xu ’20 dedicated the yearbook to Mr. Wonoski. If you will indulge me, I would like to read that dedication one more time.” The dedication follows:
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2019-2020 Prize Winners. Note: We were unable to give the awards for the spring athletic season, as it was cut short by the coronavirus. However, the teams refused to let that quell their spirts, and the continued to meet virtually, organizing activities and team workouts, and celebrated as teams to commemorate the year.
Following the awarding of the prizes, Winsor students also said farewell and thank you to our beloved teachers who are retiring. Mishael Quraishi ’21, offered the tribute to Mr. Sirochman. Kiara Patterson ’20, offered the tribute to Ms. McLaurin. Audrey Wu ’20, offered the tribute to Ms. Taillacq, followed by a moving performance by Senior Small of an original compostition by Audrey. The faculty and staff will close the academic year with tributes to the retiring faculty during a separate gathering.
A recorded performance of The Lamp of Learning, with seniors joining in to sing along from home, was a poignant addition to the traditional celebration.