Debaters Named Top American Team at Internationals

In addition to the team win, Katie Burstein was the Top American Speaker, and Sarah Albert-Rozenberg was the Third Place American Speaker. ”They won so much shiny hardware for individual achievement it was tricky getting out the exit door,” exclaimed long-time debate coach Jean Berg.
“The IISPSC is a pinnacle of debate and public speaking. Success requires extensive preparation, creative thinking, excellent memory, skillful delivery, and perseverance,” notes coach Berg. Three debaters are chosen by faculty to represent Winsor at the competition, selected on the basis of tryouts and their record in debate.
Each Winsor student competed in three categories: Persuasive Speaking, Parliamentary Debate and Interpretive Reading. Sarah and Katie reached the finals in two of their three categories, and Sarah won the finals in Persuasive Speaking. Katie Burstein’s top scores qualified her for the “Worlds” (World Individual Debating and Public Speaking Championships) competition to be held in China in April 2020. 
“It was so exciting to spend several days with students from incredible schools all over the world, to listen to their perspectives and to learn from one another. We all made some great friends,” said Katie. “The Winsor coaches do an incredible job of preparing our team for these competitions. We are so grateful to have had this opportunity to represent Winsor!”
Katie, Sarah, and Hana join a long line of powerful Winsor speakers who have created an impressive record while representing Winsor at Internationals and Worlds in Argentina, Botswana, Britain, Cape Town, Cyprus, Germany, Hong Kong, Lithuania, as well as Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Winnipeg. Winsor students have brought home the trophy for Top American School five times and Top American Speaker as many. Winsor has also made Internationals history: the first American to ever win the entire tournament was Winsor’s Grace Ogibly ’08. The year before, Winsor’s Julia Streuli ’08 landed jubilantly in second place.