Winsor/Belmont Hill Global Investing Webinar

On Monday, March 8, Winsor in collaboration with Belmont Hill hosted a Global Investing Webinar featuring Winsor parent Jean Hynes P ’16, ’18, ’18, ’21, managing partner and incoming CEO at Wellington Management, and Tim Buckley, Belmont Hill ’87, chairman and CEO at Vanguard. Over 800 Winsor and Belmont Hill students and parents logged on virtually to listen to the two long-time industry experts share their experiences in the industry, their perspectives on the market and the economic landscape, and advice for students interested in pursuing a career in the investment sector.

The webinar coincided with International Women’s Day, and as the first female to be appointed CEO at Wellington, Hynes shared a key career decision both she and Buckley made that shaped their success: the decision to work for an institution that invests in its people, and to remain at that institution throughout their careers. “I didn’t worry about titles, I worried about culture,” says Hynes, who shared in a Boston Globe interview in October that she will place a high priority on mentoring and increasing diversity at Wellington in her expanded leadership role.

Both Hynes and Buckley reflected on the growing complexity of investing over the last several decades, and the impact of factors such as geopolitical events and the pandemic on the stability of the markets. While supply chain disruptions and changing consumption patterns have created instability, both experts also witnessed some positive indicators for future growth, including the game-changing advancements in biopharmaceuticals, and companies willing to collaborate to find long term, broad-impact solutions.  

Closing on a more personal note, Hynes and Buckley answered questions about what they read, their thoughts on achieving work-life balance, some pitfalls to avoid as an investor, and advice on pursuing a career in investing. In each case, it comes down to developing the essential life skills and making deliberate choices. View a recording of the webinar.