News Archive

Image related to the post titled: 2024 Annual Brooks Poetry Prize Competition

2024 Annual Brooks Poetry Prize Competition

May 9, 2024—Nine students stepped on stage in the David E. and Stacey L. Goel Theater as the final round of the Brooks Poetry Prize Competition got underway. “The Brooks Poetry Prize competition encourages students to read poetry and to practice public speaking,” said English Department Head Courtney Jackson, “and it gives us all a…

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Image related to the post titled: In Rhapsodies over Advanced Rock On

In Rhapsodies over Advanced Rock On

May 2, 2024—Playing music spanning more than two decades, Advanced Rock On commanded the stage in the David E. and Stacey L. Goel theater during all-school assembly.  A music elective, Advanced Rock On is designed for experienced instrumental and vocal musicians to hone their performance skills. Students spend the semester deepening their understanding of reading…

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Image related to the post titled: Viva La Vie Bohème! RENT: High School Edition

Viva La Vie Bohème! RENT: High School Edition

April 26–27, 2024—The Upper School spring musical RENT: High School Edition wowed audiences during back-to-back shows on Friday and Saturday night in the David E. and Stacey L. Goel Theater. Loosely based on Giacomo Puccini’s opera La Bohème, RENT is set in the East Village of New York City in the early 1990s. A story…

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Image related to the post titled: Seniors Present 2024 Hemenway Speeches

Seniors Present 2024 Hemenway Speeches

April 25, 2024—Earlier this month, the senior class gathered in the David E. and Stacey L. Goel Theater to witness every member of Class VIII deliver their very own five-minute Hemenway speech. This year marks the 111th Annual Hemenway Prize for Speaking Competition, which has its roots in the core Winsor value of speaking one’s…

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Image related to the post titled: A World Premiere at the Annual Spring Concert

A World Premiere at the Annual Spring Concert

April 18, 2024—With Lower School Orchestra seated on stage, Emily Chen ’29 and Grace Wu ’29 kicked off the annual spring concert by introducing their ensemble and the pieces they would be performing.  Chen and Wu asked the crowd to pay attention to the “musical colors and textures” at play in “Adoration” by Florence Price—a…

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Image related to the post titled: Survivor Story: Remembering the Holocaust and Combating Hate

Survivor Story: Remembering the Holocaust and Combating Hate

April 11, 2024—Ahead of Holocaust Remembrance Day in May, Winsor hosted Holocaust survivor Janet Applefield during all-school assembly. This special assembly was a collaboration with Facing History and Ourselves, a national organization, which uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate. “I am on the Facing…

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Image related to the post titled: Upper School Mandarin Chinese Students Visit China

Upper School Mandarin Chinese Students Visit China

The saying goes, “if you want to see the past 100 years of China, go to Shanghai. If you want to see the past 1,000 years of China, go to Beijing. But if you want to see the past 5,000 years of China, go to Xi’an.” Over Spring Break, 18 students and 3 teachers spent…

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Image related to the post titled: Ummah’s First All-School Assembly Celebrates Ramadan

Ummah’s First All-School Assembly Celebrates Ramadan

March 28, 2024—Ummah is an Arabic word meaning “inclusive community”—a fitting name for Winsor’s affinity group for Muslim students who presented their first all-school assembly at the end of March. The assembly was a joint effort between Lower School and Upper School students who had to coordinate across divisions and meeting times to make the…

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Image related to the post titled: Upper School French Students Visit Martinique

Upper School French Students Visit Martinique

During spring break, 16 students and three teachers traveled to Martinique and toured the Caribbean island for ten days. The trip was a wonderful mix of exploring some of Martinique’s most beautiful scenery and visiting different museums to learn about Martinique’s history and culture. My favorite part of the trip was spending the day on…

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Image related to the post titled: Spectrum Assembly with Winsor Alum Whit Washington ’07

Spectrum Assembly with Winsor Alum Whit Washington ’07

March 7, 2024—“Representation matters, that is part of the reason I wanted to come back today,” shared Whit Washington ’07, who also told students, “I really struggled at Winsor.” Now “an attorney to watch” according to Washington Lawyer Magazine and the National LGBT BAR Association, Washington is an attorney and legal fellow working mainly with…

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