News Archive
Award-Winning Artist Ekua Holmes Visits Winsor
On Monday, February 3, Winsor hosted award-winning artist and activist Ekua Holmes to help kick off Black History Month. Ms. Holmes spent a busy day at Winsor in large part thanks to Administrative Assistant to the Division Heads Danica Villanueva and Lower School Division Head Sharon Jones Phinney. Holmes is a graduate of the Shady…
Art Show Brings Recent Alums to Campus
January 8, 2024—Winsor alums Chloe Macaulay ’21 and Brigid O’Connor ’22—both dedicated artists during their time at Winsor—returned to campus for an art show and a reception celebrating their artistic journey and evolution. In their respective junior years, Macaulay and O’Connor were both recipients of the Linda Alles ’71 Memorial Award, which is given to…
Growing Community and Belonging Through Art
Thursday, September 21—After an introduction by SAFA (the Student Association for Fine Arts), Winsor welcomed socially engaged multimedia artist Elisa H. Hamilton to assembly. Recently named the recipient of the Brother Thomas Fellowship from The Boston Foundation, Hamilton places an emphasis on shared spaces and helped students understand how public art can grow community and…