Curriculum Guide
Physical Education
Students must complete seven semesters of physical activity, two each year in Classes V–VII and the final during the fall of their Class VIII year. Students in Class VIII are not required to participate in fitness workouts or on a team during the spring semester.
In order to fulfill the requirement, students may select from the following choices: fitness workouts, an independent project, or participation on a sports team. Students select one option for each of the three seasons: fall, winter, and spring. Students will indicate their selection for each season by completing a form to the Physical Education Department prior to each season.
Students in Classes V–VII who participate on a fall team must complete fitness workouts or the equivalent for the remainder of the year. Students in Classes V–VII who participate on winter or spring teams must complete fitness workouts or the equivalent from the beginning of the year to the start of the season for their sport and during the weeks between sports seasons.
Students in Class VIII who participate on a fall team must complete fitness workouts or the equivalent for the remainder of the semester. Class VIII students who participate on a winter team must complete fitness workouts or the equivalent from the beginning of the semester to the start of the winter sports season. Participation on spring sports teams is encouraged but does not fulfill the physical education requirement for seniors.
Fitness Workouts
Students enrolled in fitness must complete two 40-minute workouts each week. Workouts must be completed in the Winsor fitness center. Students cannot complete workouts by running outside or completing unsupervised fitness within or outside of Winsor. Students may complete only one workout per day. All New Class V students must complete a fitness center orientation with the athletic trainer at the start of the school year before they can workout on their own.
Independent Projects
Students are able to build skills, fitness, and understanding of a particular sport through an independent project. In order to receive credit for an independent project, a student must work with an instructor who has expertise in the proposed project and who is willing to serve as the student’s mentor, guide, and resource. Projects must include at least two workouts per week. Students must complete an independent project contract before beginning their work and must complete an evaluation by the end of the semester. All independent projects must be approved by the Physical Education Department.
Sports Teams
Completion of a full season of a Winsor sport is required to fulfill the physical education requirement for that season. Offerings are summarized in the table below by season. Each year the athletic director will share information about tryouts as well as team schedules.
Teams by Season