Facility Rental
Explore Winsor's Excellent Facilities
The Winsor School facilities are available for use by the community throughout the year. The facilities may be used for events that include conferences, workshops, sporting events and specialized instructional camps.
It is the philosophy of the Winsor School to permit external agencies and community groups to rent Winsor's facilities under the following conditions:
- Use of the facilities and/or space is in accord with the philosophy and goals of the Winsor School and does not disrupt the school's instructional or daily activities.
- The group or agency making a request adheres to a non-discriminatory policy in membership, goals and activities on the basis of personal beliefs or characteristics such as political views, religion, national or ethnic origin, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disabilities. Further, the services of the group or agency are beneficial to the community-at-large.
Winsor facilities may be rented to profit-making entities for training or other purposes, provided that the rental is not for retail purposes. Not-for-profit entities may utilize rented facilities for fundraising purposes.