From the Head of School

Making the Invisible Visible

In one of the first STEM classes I ever saw at Winsor, Class IV students were assigned a project to “make the invisible visible.” At the time, I couldn’t imagine how they would manage, though the students themselves never even paused as they raced around getting materials. They were off and running—creating sensors for campers to detect bears and potential flooding, making devices to measure wind, and creating a pattern of colors for musical notes.

Reading the stories of three Winsor alumnae, Kristin Bennett ’85, Tiffany R. Warren ’92, and Leslie Dewan ’02, I was reminded of the STEM class, as all three have worked to make the invisible visible. For Leslie and Kristin, their work has been in the realm of science—around nuclear and nanoscience, clean energy and sustainability—whereas for Tiffany it has been about representation in business and music and advertising. All three have helped bring forward things that society hasn’t historically seen, or hasn’t seen as it should.

All groundbreaking work has at its core the impulse to bring something into the world that has never been seen before, something new and exciting, something that will change lives. These trailblazers developed their love of learning at Winsor—and in fact, it’s this thrill of discovery that Winsor most seeks to nurture in every student, from our youngest learners to our soon-to-be graduates. Every alum can tell a story of the Winsor teacher who most believed in them, and who helped them find their passion or a dream of who they might become. Whether they are protecting campers from bears, developing safe nuclear energy, helping groups find funding to develop clean energy, or bringing powerful new voices into the music industry, Winsor graduates are leading us all into a new world, full of excitement and possibility.

Here in Boston, Winsor continues to undertake the life-changing work of educating our students—ensuring that every incredible student finds brilliant, inspiring teachers, and that cost is never a barrier for the most academic and talented applicants. On May 2, 2024, we will celebrate the public launch of Winsor Leads, the most ambitious comprehensive campaign in Winsor’s history. We hope you will join us in this celebration, and help us pave the way to a future where women and girls lead with confidence, strength, and purpose throughout the world.

— Sarah Pelmas